basic research
porcupine (class 2 ship)
Does 1 damage to 10 class 2 ships

Attack/life: 5/4
Manpower: 10

Researchtime: 3 h
Buildingtime: 12 h

Battle details:
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. modifies AP/LP by 0/-1 of 10 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 2
    battlemessage: "porcupine deploys splinters"
    and: "splinters destroy ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,enemy,10,2,all,+,0,-1,splinters destroy,p,porcupine deploys splinters)

  —> Forum Topic about this ship
pidjipi: It is does 1 damage to 10 class 2 ships

and why "all existing technologie"

what's that ????

it's harsh... i'm out... help !!! luis come here and talk about it (supreme punishment :lol: )

Luis Abhorash: well, I think it is here becuase it appear in the same pre-warp planet at the hammer, but it battle sintaxis is wrong admins!!!!!!
splinters, porcupines, where are the good names!!!???
tec_server: Well they cant all be as cool as dark mushroom.
Luis Abhorash: :)20 :)20 :)20 :)20 :)20
why they can't be all so cool? :grin: :)23

bz-mof: but where to find this ship?
Luis Abhorash:
pidjipi: One more time, the porcupine's description MUST be 'does one damage to 10 class 2'

!!! it's amazing !!! what's that new tec server :wink:

please, update it in forum and manual ...
bz-mof: @luis: nope. i have been at ezopef, but there was nothing else then the hammer.
Metody I The Evil: At least the Hammer IS there :lol:

Check it out again, maybe it too has appeared...
spacetrace: thx

i changed the description :smile:

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